Saturday, May 20, 2017

Collaborative Media Productions

Collaborative Media Productions is a production company that collaborates with other creatives to produce films and new media. 

CMP was created by producing actress Nyle Lynn. 

Nyle brought on 12 of her actress friends to become producers and hired female crew members on their first film project together.  Guys were included too of course as in the spirit of collaboration it is all about working together. 

It is important to note that female filmmakers currently make up a significantly lesser portion of the creative teams at the studio level all the way down to the micro-budget level so Nyle Lynn has made a conscious effort to seek out qualified women, and she even mentors women who are new to filmmaking. 

Nyle is of course still learning too but that has never stopped her from reaching out to others and helping them along the way. 

Out of CMP's first collaboration grew a great deal of learning which spurred artistic and career growth as everyone acquired new skills and grew their networks.  This inspired many to branch out and produce their own work too, which Nyle supports and encourages. 

Many more creative collaborations are now occurring!   

To keep up to date on the project's Nyle Lynn is heading up at #CMP you can like it's FB page here:

To stay in the loop of Nyle Lynn's acting gigs you can like her FB page here:

To contract Nyle Lynn you can email her via her website here:

Or you can contact her agent through IMDB here: